Wednesday, March 21, 2007


these are some of my goals for the next two years, they are always changing, but at least i have them. i made these a while a go, and i have some great friends that are keeping me accountable. so far it has been super hard to keep up on my daily objectives, so that i may achieve my goals. but it is a WIP (a bIG work in progress). And a big IDOP (in desperate need of prayer) at all times!!

these are not all of them but a few- i am only posting them because this blog is more like a journal for me, i don't foresee anyone reading any of this, and if someone does it will be Carissa my sister-in-law, or Jecca (my best friend) and ANthony- well he reads everything i write. personally there are just two many goals that i created for myself- which has caused me to be overwhelmed and unable to accomplish anything. my list is so long, so i won't bother to write it in here, but the thing is that i have learned to only focus on few things at a time, and the main thing and most important thing is to always by living for God, in everything you do, just simply to bath in His presence, and in His word, and he will change you from within. Why is this so hard to do sometimes, sometimes it is so easy and our soul yearns for it, and others it is so hard. But if we make this a discipline of our lives, than through Him, He will guide us. It all comes down to one thing, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all things shall be yours as well." (Matt. 6:25-33)

i have been feeling lost lately, not sure what my plan are, or where Anthony and i will be 5 years from now, but i have learned that i need to seek His Kingdom first, and all will be reveled in time.

"Refuse to be slave to anything but God." Richard J. Foster

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hanle productions

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Milwaukee, WI, United States
My goal as a holistic health coach is to empower, encourage and educate women to be the healthiest that they can be. To care for their bodies and live lives free of disease and illness! My mission and target market is women, why? Women are the heart and soul of the family, from woman comes life! We have been given the great calling to carry our children, birth them, nourish them, educate them and care for them. By reaching out to amazing women in all walks of life (mothers, daughters, and grandmothers), I will have helped enable them to change not only their lives but the lives of all whom they touch. We must lead by example and change the world to be a better healthier place. That is my mission. Please check out my site, "like" my facebook page and shoot me a email if you are interested in a free consultation! I can't wait to hear from you!