Monday, August 20, 2007

Our One Year Anniversary!

One year ago today, Anthony and I said "I Do" It was by far the best day of our lives! It is insane to think that one year has gone and another year of life and love will begin. The first year was hard, difficult to adjust to life together, to learn of each others strange habits! And to keep in our first and foremost thoughts to always put the other first! It was challenging but we made it, and i never thought it possible to love a person even more than on our wedding day, but our love has grown. And it is possible to love a person more than you ever thought possible, because I love Anthony more than I ever have before. I look forward to all the trials, hardship, days of perfect joy, happiness and love that will come in our future years together. I pray that God would bless our marriage and give us many more years to come, for only God knows how long we each have, and with that said live & love every day to the fullest for you never know when it might be your last.

I wanted to write a little something for my Anthony.....something I found in a very adorable book I was given by his mother. I will start with a verse:

These three remain: faith, hope and love.
Bit the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Thank You For The Man I Love

He gazes at me from across the packed room, We're at just another meeting but I dressed to look my best. Do I see the same twinkle in his eyes I saw when we first met? Do I see the same look he wore on our wedding day? Am i so blessed that he still gazes at me with the same love and pride? Thank You, Lord, for that look. Thank you for today and for him.
Help me show to him the same love and thoughtfulness as when we first married. In our hurried schedules, let us look for time to spend with each other. Sometimes I love even sharing a second glass of iced tea on the patio at sundown.
I think of changes we've faced. We have fallen in love with each other over and over again, even in the midst of change.
Teach us to keep on respecting one another's feelings. Teach us to put each other first, after You.
And, Lord, help me to keep myself in a way that he will always look across the room with love and pride.

-Anita Corrine Donihue

I love my Anthony with all my heart, and thanks for a great first year of marriage and for putting up with me! ;-) love you! yours truly, Brittany

1 comment:

BlessedCP said...

I pray that EVERY day you will discover more and more to love in one another!
Your post is beautiful!


hanle productions

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Milwaukee, WI, United States
My goal as a holistic health coach is to empower, encourage and educate women to be the healthiest that they can be. To care for their bodies and live lives free of disease and illness! My mission and target market is women, why? Women are the heart and soul of the family, from woman comes life! We have been given the great calling to carry our children, birth them, nourish them, educate them and care for them. By reaching out to amazing women in all walks of life (mothers, daughters, and grandmothers), I will have helped enable them to change not only their lives but the lives of all whom they touch. We must lead by example and change the world to be a better healthier place. That is my mission. Please check out my site, "like" my facebook page and shoot me a email if you are interested in a free consultation! I can't wait to hear from you!