Tuesday, August 21, 2007

They Have Gone

This time it was different.
This time I seem more at peace.
Everything was going.
Good and bad.
Then the world stopped and everything crashed.
I did not know where to to turn, or where to look.
Just frozen in time.
It seemed as though life would never go on,
but it does, slowly it does.
You just try to endure the pain, piece by piece.
Oh, and the pain is so heavy, my eyes so heavy.
No more tears can rain down my wet checks.

This time it was different.
It just doesn't seem possible.
But yet deep down in my soul I felt it.
Even before it happened; just like it had the last.
I was just to hopeful to see.

They have gone.
They have gone together.
They have entered through the golden doors.
Together they have gone,
I shall never hear their voices.
I shall never see their smiling faces, or hear their laughter.
Yet they have not gone forever,
For they live in me, in my soul.
And even though i shall never see them again on this earth,
I know I shall see them after I enter through those same golden doors.
Then I shall see.

- Brittany

(written in memory of my grandpa's in 2004)

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hanle productions

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Milwaukee, WI, United States
My goal as a holistic health coach is to empower, encourage and educate women to be the healthiest that they can be. To care for their bodies and live lives free of disease and illness! My mission and target market is women, why? Women are the heart and soul of the family, from woman comes life! We have been given the great calling to carry our children, birth them, nourish them, educate them and care for them. By reaching out to amazing women in all walks of life (mothers, daughters, and grandmothers), I will have helped enable them to change not only their lives but the lives of all whom they touch. We must lead by example and change the world to be a better healthier place. That is my mission. Please check out my site, "like" my facebook page and shoot me a email if you are interested in a free consultation! I can't wait to hear from you!